On the 13th of May 1917, in the mountain village of Fatima in faraway Portugal, three children - Lucy 9, Jacinta 8, and Francisco 6, were watching over their flock by day. Suddenly, a bright flash of light cut through the skies, then another followed and yet another. A dazzling l...
Today's #Reflection #Catholicreflection #Dailygospel #Gospelreflection #olfaguda CONVERSION
The whole history of Israel is a clear proof that wars, calamities, strifes and exiles resulted from their infidelity to God: they did not repent for their sins. This is a lesson for us. The scripture demands repentance to make up for a sinful past as well as for providing for the future. Jesus himself tells us in the gospel passage today, “Unless you repent you will all perish.” What is our reaction to these words of Jesus? Often, we would say: “I do not need any change but the others need it. What is there for me to change, to repent? We all need Conversion during this Lenten Season. A change to be closer to God in prayers and to avoid occasions of sins.
MEETING DAYS: 2nd Sunday after am mass
PRAYER MEETINGS: 1st & 2nd Mondays of every month by 5pm
FEAST DAY: 25th March.
PATRON SAINT: Our Mother of Good Counsel
1. Monthly General Meeting: 2nd Sunday of every month February- December after 8:30 am mass
2. Monthly Exco Meetings: 1st Sunday of every month.
3. Youth Fellowship- 1st Friday of every month from February to December
The Catholic Men Organization (CMO) is an Organization of all-adult Catholic men -married or not. It is non-political and non-tribal. The Catholic Men Organization (made up of all adult men of 35years and above if not yet married)
To bring all men to Christ, make them better father and builders of the Church and Society.
Some of the Aims and Objectives of the Catholic Men Organization (CMO)
Chairman Sylvester Oyewole
Vice Chairman - Emmanuel Ilo.
Secretary -Barr. Joe Onyenweuzo
1. Monthly General Meeting: 2nd Sunday of every month February- December after 8am mass
2. Monthly Exco Meetings: Thurday/Saturday preceding monthly general meetings at 7pm.
3. Sports Day- 2nd Saturday of every month from February to December
The Catholic Men Organization (CMO) is an Organization of all-adult Catholic men -married or not. It is non-political and non-tribal. The Catholic Men Organization (made up of all adult men of 35years and above if not yet married)
To bring all men to Christ, make them better father and builders of the Church and Society.
Some of the Aims and Objectives of the Catholic Men Organization (CMO)
Chairman Sylvester Oyewole
Vice Chairman - Emmanuel Ilo.
Secretary -Barr. Joe Onyenweuzo
1. Monthly General Meeting: 2nd Sunday of every month February- December after 8am mass
2. Monthly Exco Meetings: Thurday/Saturday preceding monthly general meetings at 7pm.
3. Sports Day- 2nd Saturday of every month from February to December
The Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria Organization (CYON) is an Organization of all young Catholic Youth in the parish. It is non-political and non-tribal. CYO Nigeria was founded in 1985 to create a youth organization for young Catholics in Nigeria.
Our Mission Statement:
To gather all youths of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Aguda under one umbrella of love, while fostering unity, and progress amongst ourselves.
Our Vision Statement:
The massive spiritual/social development of youths through spiritual participation in the sacramental apostolic life of the Holy mother church and also the social awareness that comes with the 21st Century.
President: Enemchukwu Odera
Vice President: Akannoh Richard
Gen Secretary: Obioha Chiamaka
1. Monthly General Meeting: 2nd Sunday of every month February- December after 8:30 am mass
2. Monthly Exco Meetings: 1st Sunday of every month.
3. Youth Fellowship- 1st Friday of every month from February to December
DATE FOUNDED: 18th Sept, 1974
FEAST DAY: 11th July
PATRON SAINT: St. Benedict
AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To bring back the lost Sheep with the aid of the Holy Bible.
FEAST DAY: Pentecost Sunday
Founded: 1991
PATRON SAINT: St. Thomas Aquinas
FEAST DAY: 28th January
MEETING DAYS: Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To maintain law & order during liturgical celebrations.
PATRON SAINT: St. Michael the Archangel
FEAST DAY: 29th September
MEETING DAYS: 1st Monday of the month.
MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA: Open to all practicing Catholics
PATRON SAINT: St. Anthony Mary Claret
MEETING DAYS: 3rd Fridays of the Month after evening Mass,
Devotion: Every Friday, except last Fridays after evening Mass.
Sir Kenneth Anyanwu Coordinator 08052811755
Sis. Gloria Metu 1st Asst Coordinator 08035422400
Mrs. Mary Nkap 2nd Asst. Coordinator 08034483720
Mr. Emmanuel Nzelu Assisting Coordinator 08066441757
Feast Day: Oct. 5th & 1st Sunday after Easter
General Meeting: 1 st Wednesday of the month
MEETING DAYS: Every saturdays by 5:00pm.
DEVOTION: Mondays after evening Mass.
PRACTICE: Saturdays by 7pm.
FEAST DAY: 29th June
PATRON SAINT: Ss. Peter & Paul
MEETING DAYS: Every Saturday after morning Mass except last Saturdays of the Month, in the evenings.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To proclaim the word of God to the people in a clear and unambiguous manner.
MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA: A practicing & confirmed Catholic, Eloquent and good communication skills.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Feast Day: April 28th
General Meeting: Every Monday after the evening mass.
President: Dominic Agbor
Secretary: Agubata Florence
Patron Saint: St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day: 13th June
MEETING DAYS: Every Tuesday by 5pm (Devotion),
2nd Tuesday of the month (general meeting).
PATRON SAINT: St. Philomena-Daughter of light,
DATE STARTED: 11th May, 2013
WEEKLY DEVOTION: Every Saturday by 4.30pm
MEETING DAYS: 3rd Saturday of every Month.
MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA: All practicing Catholics.
MEETING DAYS: Every Sunday except last sunday of the month 1pm
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